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Neighbourhood Subdivisions
What is going up over the fence?
As urban land becomes more expensive, landowners and developers are constantly looking for ways to get the most out of their patch of dirt. Adding to the equation, a housing shortage across the country has led to increasing land development and subdivision to create additional dwellings. More recently, there has been a move to more compact multiple unit developments in many neighbourhoods.
Types of developments
Multiple unit developments have become popular with Kāinga Ora and other government or charitable agencies as they can build multiple dwellings onto a section that in the past may have been limited to a single dwelling.
Whether these types of developments on your neighbour’s property are being built for social housing or privately, you may have concerns about the effect they may have on your property.
What about my view?
Strictly speaking, no one has a legal right to a view. If you have concerns about a potential development at the property next door, you should first check the title of that property. If it is subject to any restrictive covenants that prevent certain development or subdivision, the landowner with the right to enforce the covenant could potentially put a stop to the prohibited developments. Often this will be you as the neighbouring property owner, otherwise if the covenant is ‘in gross’ it is enforceable by anyone.
Falling short of that, there may be restrictions in a covenant meaning that any new dwelling should comply with specific design specifications or building height restrictions that protect certain views or ‘view shafts.’ This may ease concerns knowing the new buildings next door should not affect your property too much.
No covenants, no choice?
Where there are no covenants in place that restrict the developer’s use of the land, the developer is bound solely by the relevant district plan and the Resource Management Act (RMA). The district plan sets out the local authority’s rules and restrictions for land use and development, and any application to develop a property is determined based on its compliance with the relevant district plan.
Where a development next door looks as though it may affect you, the developer may ask you to sign a consent. This will be either in preparation for their submission to the relevant local authority or may be a requirement set by the local authority following their application.
In either case, you do not have to sign the consent if you are unhappy with the development as it is presented. There may be a particular aspect of the design or location of the new dwellings that you don’t like; sometimes neighbours can negotiate amendments to the developer’s plan in consideration for their consent. Other times, you may simply not want it to proceed.
It is important to understand that not consenting to the developer’s request does not automatically mean that the development won’t go ahead.
If you are a potentially affected neighbour and you have not approved the application, the developer can request that the local authority notify the potentially affected parties of their application. At this point, you would be invited to submit your objections to the local authority for it to finally determine whether the development can take place.
In other circumstances, the relevant local authority will require that the developer notify affected parties as part of their application process. You can view the relevant district plan on your local authority’s website to determine if the development next door is compliant with the various rules relating to land and new housing.
In some circumstances, the proposed development will be wholly in compliance with the district plan and have no effect on your property. Where that is the case, you may not have any grounds for an objection or even be required to be notified of the development making it difficult to raise any objection.
RMA review
At present, the RMA is under review which is likely to result in a significant overhaul to the legislation governing land use and subdivision. Time will tell as to the effect of these changes on the rights of neighbours regarding subdivision and developments over the fence.
If you are approached by a neighbour about their development and need help to find out more about what they can do or what you can do to stop it, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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