Intellectual Property

No matter the size and nature of your business, you will almost certainly have thought of original ideas that enable you to undertake your business activities more efficiently, distinctively and successfully. Such ideas, which can include, brands, products, processes and designs, are commonly referred to as your “intellectual property”. It is more important than ever to protect your original ideas, given the increasingly competitive and interconnected global marketplace. Our team can help you to protect your ideas and their value to your business. Come and talk to us about:
- what constitutes intellectual property, including copyright, trademarks and designs
- ownership of intellectual property
- the process for protecting your ideas
- options for commercialising your ideas, including licensing, franchising and the sale of intellectual property ownership rights
- how to deal with disputes
- how to enforce your intellectual property rights in the event of infringement (including “passing off” and Fair Trading Act issues)
Read about the copyright amendment act and how it affects your business
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