Limited Licences

When you are disqualified from driving or lose your licence because of excess demerit points, you can apply for a limited licence (also known as a work licence).

To be granted a limited licence you need to show the Court that:

  • You face extreme hardship by not being able to drive.  For example, you need to drive a car during your work hours; or
  • Another person will suffer undue hardship as a result of you being unable to drive.  This could be your children, other family members or your employer.

All applications are considered by a District Court judge and will allow you to drive during specific hours and on specified dates once NZTA issues you a licence.

You cannot apply for a limited licence if you:

  • Are indefinitely disqualified from driving;
  • Are disqualified and want to conduct driving tests as a driving instructor;
  • Are disqualified as a result of drink driving while operating a transport service vehicle and want to resume driving;
  • Have a breath alcohol reading of above 800 micrograms per litre of breath or 160 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.

You cannot apply for a limited licence if you have been convicted of any two of the following offences (committed at separate times) within 5 years of each other:

  • Reckless or dangerous driving;
  • Careless or inconsiderate driving causing injury or death;
  • Failing to stop after an accident;
  • Drink driving or driving under the influence of drugs (excluding under 20 year’s old alcohol level);
  • Applying for or obtaining a driver licence whole disqualified from doing so.

Mactodd Lawyers can help you prepare the application and supporting affidavits if you find yourself without a driver’s licence.

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